
Be Relentless

If you want something bad enough, you’ll do whatever it takes to get it. That’s being relentless.

Relentless means to put your feelings ahead of others. Is it selfish? Only to those who don’t share the same mindset. If you’re relentless you’re not worried about others and their selfishness anyway. You have a mission and what someone else is doing doesn’t concern you.

Cheaters Never Win: 10 Ways to Deal With Deceivers of the WhiteBoard

“Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching.” – C.S. Lewis 

Sites like Wodify and BeyondtheWhiteBoard, allow gym-goers to compete with one another even if they’re not in the same class.  The ability to post your WOD time and understand how your fitness level compares to your peers is normally good and healthy competition.

That is, until someone attempts to ruin it.  That is, until you get that infectious disease.  This type of disease is deadly to the morale of a CrossFit box and spreads ill-will.